MergeDiff function

MergeDiff merges the diff lines between the first and second files into

the destination file. If any errors occur, they are returned.


  • firstFile string
  • secondFile string
  • destination string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("MergeDiff", "merging", firstFile, "+", secondFile, "->", destination)

	// get the diff lines
	diffLines, err := DiffFiles(firstFile, secondFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("MergeDiff", 0, err)
		return err

	// copy second file to destination to apply patch
	secondFileContents, err := os.ReadFile(secondFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("MergeDiff", 1, err)
		return err
	err = os.WriteFile(destination, secondFileContents, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("MergeDiff", 2, err)
		return err

	// write the diff to the destination
	err = WriteDiff(destination, diffLines)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("MergeDiff", 3, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("MergeDiff", "merge completed")
	return nil

DiffFiles function

DiffFiles returns the diff lines between source and dest files using the

diff command (assuming it is installed). If no diff is found, nil is

returned. If any errors occur, they are returned.


  • sourceFile string
  • destFile string


  • []byte
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("DiffFiles", "diffing", sourceFile, "and", destFile)

	cmd := exec.Command("diff", "-u", sourceFile, destFile)
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	errCode := 0
	err := cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			errCode = exitError.ExitCode()

	// diff returns 1 if there are differences
	if errCode == 1 {
		PrintVerboseInfo("DiffFiles", "diff found")
		return out.Bytes(), nil

	PrintVerboseInfo("DiffFiles", "no diff found")
	return nil, nil

WriteDiff function

WriteDiff applies the diff lines to the destination file using the patch

command (assuming it is installed). If any errors occur, they are returned.


  • destFile string
  • diffLines []byte


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("WriteDiff", "applying diff to", destFile)
	if len(diffLines) == 0 {
		PrintVerboseInfo("WriteDiff", "no changes to apply")
		return nil // no changes to apply

	cmd := exec.Command("patch", "-R", destFile)
	cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(diffLines)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	err := cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("WriteDiff", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("WriteDiff", "diff applied")
	return nil

DiskManager struct

DiskManager exposes functions to interact with the system's disks

and partitions (e.g. mount, unmount, get partitions, etc.)



GetPartitionByLabel finds a partition by searching for its label.

If no partition can be found with the given label, returns error.

  • label string

  • Partition
  • error


Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("DiskManager.GetPartitionByLabel", "retrieving partitions")

	partitions, err := d.GetPartitions("")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("DiskManager.GetPartitionByLabel", 0, err)
		return Partition{}, err

	for _, part := range partitions {
		if part.Label == label {
			PrintVerboseInfo("DiskManager.GetPartitionByLabel", "Partition with UUID", part.Uuid, "has label", label)
			return part, nil

	errMsg := fmt.Errorf("could not find partition with label %s", label)
	PrintVerboseErr("DiskManager.GetPartitionByLabel", 1, errMsg)
	return Partition{}, errMsg


getPartitions gets a disk's partitions. If device is an empty string, gets

all partitions from all disks

  • device string

  • []Partition
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("DiskManager.getPartitions", "running...")

	output, err := exec.Command("lsblk", "-J", "-o", "NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,UUID").Output()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("DiskManager.getPartitions", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	var partitions struct {
		BlockDevices []struct {
			Name     string     `json:"name"`
			Type     string     `json:"type"`
			Children []Children `json:"children"`
		} `json:"blockdevices"`

	if err := json.Unmarshal(output, &partitions); err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("DiskManager.getPartitions", 1, err)
		return nil, err

	var result []Partition
	for _, blockDevice := range partitions.BlockDevices {
		if device != "" && blockDevice.Name != device {

		iterChildren(&blockDevice.Children, &result)

	PrintVerboseInfo("DiskManager.getPartitions", "successfully got partitions for disk", device)

	return result, nil

Partition struct

Partition represents either a standard partition or a device-mapper

partition, such as an LVM volume


  • Label (string)
  • MountPoint (string)
  • MountOptions (string)
  • Uuid (string)
  • FsType (string)
  • Device (string)
  • Parent (*Partition)



Mount mounts a partition to a directory, returning an error if any occurs

  • destination string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Partition.Mount", "running...")

	if _, err := os.Stat(destination); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(destination, 0755); err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("Partition.Mount", 0, err)
			return err

	devicePath := "/dev/"
	if p.IsDevMapper() {
		devicePath += "mapper/"
	devicePath += p.Device

	err := syscall.Mount(devicePath, destination, p.FsType, 0, "")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Partition.Mount", 1, err)
		return err

	p.MountPoint = destination
	PrintVerboseInfo("Partition.Mount", "successfully mounted", devicePath, "to", destination)
	return nil


Unmount unmounts a partition

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Partition.Unmount", "running...")

	if p.MountPoint == "" {
		PrintVerboseErr("Partition.Unmount", 0, errors.New("no mount point"))
		return errors.New("no mount point")

	err := syscall.Unmount(p.MountPoint, 0)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Partition.Unmount", 1, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("Partition.Unmount", "successfully unmounted", p.MountPoint)
	p.MountPoint = ""

	return nil


Returns whether the partition is a device-mapper virtual partition

  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	return p.Parent != nil


IsEncrypted returns whether the partition is encrypted

  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	return strings.HasPrefix(p.FsType, "crypto_")

Children struct

The children a block device or partition may have


  • MountPoint (string) - json:"mountpoint"
  • FsType (string) - json:"fstype"
  • Label (string) - json:"label"
  • Uuid (string) - json:"uuid"
  • LogicalName (string) - json:"name"
  • Size (string) - json:"size"
  • MountOptions (string) - json:"mountopts"
  • Children ([]Children) - json:"children"

NewDiskManager function

NewDiskManager creates and returns a pointer to a new DiskManager instance

from which you can interact with the system's disks and partitions


  • *DiskManager
Show/Hide Function Body
	return &DiskManager{}

iterChildren function

iterChildren iterates through the children of a device or partition



  • childs *[]Children
  • result *[]Partition
Show/Hide Function Body
	for _, child := range *childs {
		*result = append(*result, Partition{
			Label:        child.Label,
			MountPoint:   child.MountPoint,
			MountOptions: child.MountOptions,
			Uuid:         child.Uuid,
			FsType:       child.FsType,
			Device:       child.LogicalName,

		currentPartitions := len(*result)
		iterChildren(&child.Children, result)
		detectedPartitions := len(*result) - currentPartitions

		// Populate children's reference to parent
		for i := currentPartitions; i < len(*result); i++ {
			if (*result)[i].Parent == nil {
				(*result)[i].Parent = &(*result)[len(*result)-detectedPartitions-1]

init function

init initializes the log file and sets up logging

Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewLogFile", "running...")

	// Incremental value to append to log file name
	incremental := 0

	// Check for existing log files
	logFiles, err := filepath.Glob("/var/log/abroot.log.*")
	if err != nil {
		// If there are no log files, start with incremental 1
		incremental = 1
	} else {
		allIncrementals := []int{}
		// Extract incremental values from existing log file names
		for _, logFile := range logFiles {
			_, err := fmt.Sscanf(logFile, "/var/log/abroot.log.%d", &incremental)
			if err != nil {
			allIncrementals = append(allIncrementals, incremental)
		// Set incremental to the next available value
		if len(allIncrementals) == 0 {
			incremental = 1
		} else {
			incremental = allIncrementals[len(allIncrementals)-1] + 1

	// Open or create the log file
	logFile, err = os.OpenFile(
		fmt.Sprintf("/var/log/abroot.log.%d", incremental),
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErrNoLog("NewLogFile", 0, "failed to open log file", err)

IsVerbose function

IsVerbose checks if verbose mode is enabled


  • bool
Show/Hide Function Body
	flag := cmdr.FlagValBool("verbose")
	_, arg := os.LookupEnv("ABROOT_VERBOSE")
	return flag || arg

formatMessage function

formatMessage formats log messages based on prefix, level, and depth


  • prefix string
  • level string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}


  • string
Show/Hide Function Body
	if prefix == "" && level == "" && depth == -1 {
		return fmt.Sprint(args...)

	if depth > -1 {
		level = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%f)", level, depth)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", prefix, level, fmt.Sprint(args...))

printFormattedMessage function

printFormattedMessage prints formatted log messages to Stdout


  • formattedMsg string
Show/Hide Function Body
	printLog.Printf("%s\n", formattedMsg)

logToFileIfEnabled function

logToFileIfEnabled logs messages to the file if logging is enabled


  • formattedMsg string
Show/Hide Function Body
	if logFile != nil {

PrintVerboseNoLog function

PrintVerboseNoLog prints verbose messages without logging to the file


  • prefix string
  • level string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	if IsVerbose() {
		formattedMsg := formatMessage(prefix, level, depth, args...)

PrintVerbose function

PrintVerbose prints verbose messages and logs to the file if enabled


  • prefix string
  • level string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseNoLog(prefix, level, depth, args...)

	logToFileIfEnabled(formatMessage(prefix, level, depth, args...))

PrintVerboseSimpleNoLog function

PrintVerboseSimpleNoLog prints simple verbose messages without logging to the file


  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseNoLog("", "", -1, args...)

PrintVerboseSimple function

PrintVerboseSimple prints simple verbose messages and logs to the file if enabled


  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerbose("", "", -1, args...)

PrintVerboseErrNoLog function

PrintVerboseErrNoLog prints verbose error messages without logging to the file


  • prefix string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseNoLog(prefix, "err", depth, args...)

PrintVerboseErr function

PrintVerboseErr prints verbose error messages and logs to the file if enabled


  • prefix string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerbose(prefix, "err", depth, args...)

PrintVerboseWarnNoLog function

PrintVerboseWarnNoLog prints verbose warning messages without logging to the file


  • prefix string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseNoLog(prefix, "warn", depth, args...)

PrintVerboseWarn function

PrintVerboseWarn prints verbose warning messages and logs to the file if enabled


  • prefix string
  • depth float32
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerbose(prefix, "warn", depth, args...)

PrintVerboseInfoNoLog function

PrintVerboseInfoNoLog prints verbose info messages without logging to the file


  • prefix string
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseNoLog(prefix, "info", -1, args...)

PrintVerboseInfo function

PrintVerboseInfo prints verbose info messages and logs to the file if enabled


  • prefix string
  • args ...interface{}
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerbose(prefix, "info", -1, args...)

LogToFile function

LogToFile writes messages to the log file


  • msg string
  • args ...interface{}


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	if logFile != nil {
		_, err := fmt.Fprintf(
			"%s: %s\n",
			time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 1 15:04:05"),
			fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...),
		return err
	return nil

GetLogFile function

GetLogFile returns the log file handle


  • *os.File
Show/Hide Function Body
	return logFile

PackageManager struct

PackageManager struct


  • dryRun (bool)
  • baseDir (string)
  • Status (ABRootPkgManagerStatus)



Add adds a package to the packages.add file

  • pkg string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Add", "running...")

	// Check for package manager status and user agreement
	err := p.CheckStatus()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 0, err)
		return err

	// Check if package was removed before
	packageWasRemoved := false
	removedIndex := -1
	pkgsRemove, err := p.GetRemovePackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 2.1, err)
		return err
	for i, rp := range pkgsRemove {
		if rp == pkg {
			packageWasRemoved = true
			removedIndex = i

	// packages that have been removed by the user aren't always in the repo
	if !packageWasRemoved {
		// Check if package exists in repo
		for _, _pkg := range strings.Split(pkg, " ") {
			err := p.ExistsInRepo(_pkg)
			if err != nil {
				PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 0, err)
				return err

	// Add to unstaged packages first
	upkgs, err := p.GetUnstagedPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 1, err)
		return err
	upkgs = append(upkgs, UnstagedPackage{pkg, ADD})
	err = p.writeUnstagedPackages(upkgs)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 2, err)
		return err

	// If package was removed by the user, simply remove it from packages.remove
	// Unstaged will take care of the rest
	if packageWasRemoved {
		pkgsRemove = append(pkgsRemove[:removedIndex], pkgsRemove[removedIndex+1:]...)
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Add", "unsetting manually removed package")
		return p.writeRemovePackages(pkgsRemove)

	// Abort if package is already added
	pkgsAdd, err := p.GetAddPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Add", 3, err)
		return err
	for _, p := range pkgsAdd {
		if p == pkg {
			PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Add", "package already added")
			return nil

	pkgsAdd = append(pkgsAdd, pkg)

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Add", "writing packages.add")
	return p.writeAddPackages(pkgsAdd)


Remove either removes a manually added package from packages.add or adds

a package to be deleted into packages.remove

  • pkg string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Remove", "running...")

	// Check for package manager status and user agreement
	err := p.CheckStatus()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 0, err)
		return err

	// Check if package exists in repo
	// FIXME: this should also check if the package is actually installed
	// in the system, not just if it exists in the repo. Since this is a distro
	// specific feature, I'm leaving it as is for now.
	err = p.ExistsInRepo(pkg)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 1, err)
		return err

	// Add to unstaged packages first
	upkgs, err := p.GetUnstagedPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 2, err)
		return err
	upkgs = append(upkgs, UnstagedPackage{pkg, REMOVE})
	err = p.writeUnstagedPackages(upkgs)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 3, err)
		return err

	// If package was added by the user, simply remove it from packages.add
	// Unstaged will take care of the rest
	pkgsAdd, err := p.GetAddPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 4, err)
		return err
	for i, ap := range pkgsAdd {
		if ap == pkg {
			pkgsAdd = append(pkgsAdd[:i], pkgsAdd[i+1:]...)
			PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Remove", "removing manually added package")
			return p.writeAddPackages(pkgsAdd)

	// Abort if package is already removed
	pkgsRemove, err := p.GetRemovePackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.Remove", 5, err)
		return err
	for _, p := range pkgsRemove {
		if p == pkg {
			PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Remove", "package already removed")
			return nil

	pkgsRemove = append(pkgsRemove, pkg)

	// Otherwise, add package to packages.remove
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.Remove", "writing packages.remove")
	return p.writeRemovePackages(pkgsRemove)


GetAddPackages returns the packages in the packages.add file

  • []string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetAddPackages", "running...")
	return p.getPackages(PackagesAddFile)


GetRemovePackages returns the packages in the packages.remove file

  • []string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetRemovePackages", "running...")
	return p.getPackages(PackagesRemoveFile)


GetUnstagedPackages returns the package changes that are yet to be applied

  • []UnstagedPackage
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUnstagedPackages", "running...")
	pkgs, err := p.getPackages(PackagesUnstagedFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetUnstagedPackages", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	unstagedList := []UnstagedPackage{}
	for _, line := range pkgs {
		if line == "" || line == "\n" {

		splits := strings.SplitN(line, " ", 2)
		unstagedList = append(unstagedList, UnstagedPackage{splits[1], splits[0]})

	return unstagedList, nil


GetUnstagedPackagesPlain returns the package changes that are yet to be applied

as strings

  • []string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUnstagedPackagesPlain", "running...")
	pkgs, err := p.GetUnstagedPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetUnstagedPackagesPlain", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	unstagedList := []string{}
	for _, pkg := range pkgs {
		unstagedList = append(unstagedList, pkg.Name)

	return unstagedList, nil


ClearUnstagedPackages removes all packages from the unstaged list

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.ClearUnstagedPackages", "running...")
	return p.writeUnstagedPackages([]UnstagedPackage{})


GetAddPackagesString returns the packages in the packages.add file as a string

  • sep string

  • string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetAddPackagesString", "running...")
	pkgs, err := p.GetAddPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetAddPackagesString", 0, err)
		return "", err

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetAddPackagesString", "done")
	return strings.Join(pkgs, sep), nil


GetRemovePackagesString returns the packages in the packages.remove file as a string

  • sep string

  • string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetRemovePackagesString", "running...")
	pkgs, err := p.GetRemovePackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetRemovePackagesString", 0, err)
		return "", err

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetRemovePackagesString", "done")
	return strings.Join(pkgs, sep), nil


  • file string

  • []string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.getPackages", "running...")

	pkgs := []string{}
	f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(p.baseDir, file))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.getPackages", 0, err)
		return pkgs, err
	defer f.Close()

	b, err := io.ReadAll(f)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.getPackages", 1, err)
		return pkgs, err

	pkgs = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(b)), "\n")

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.getPackages", "returning packages")
	return pkgs, nil


  • pkgs []string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.writeAddPackages", "running...")
	return p.writePackages(PackagesAddFile, pkgs)


  • pkgs []string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.writeRemovePackages", "running...")
	return p.writePackages(PackagesRemoveFile, pkgs)


  • pkgs []UnstagedPackage

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.writeUnstagedPackages", "running...")

	// create slice without redundant entries
	pkgsCleaned := []UnstagedPackage{}
	for _, pkg := range pkgs {
		isDuplicate := false
		for iCmp, pkgCmp := range pkgsCleaned {
			if pkg.Name == pkgCmp.Name {
				isDuplicate = true

				// remove complement (+ then - or - then +)
				if pkg.Status != pkgCmp.Status {
					pkgsCleaned = append(pkgsCleaned[:iCmp], pkgsCleaned[iCmp+1:]...)


		// don't add duplicate
		if !isDuplicate {
			pkgsCleaned = append(pkgsCleaned, pkg)

	pkgFmt := []string{}
	for _, pkg := range pkgsCleaned {
		pkgFmt = append(pkgFmt, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", pkg.Status, pkg.Name))

	return p.writePackages(PackagesUnstagedFile, pkgFmt)


  • file string
  • pkgs []string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.writePackages", "running...")

	f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(p.baseDir, file))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.writePackages", 0, err)
		return err
	defer f.Close()

	for _, pkg := range pkgs {
		if pkg == "" {

		_, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\n", pkg)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.writePackages", 1, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.writePackages", "packages written")
	return nil


  • string
  • string

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.processApplyPackages", "running...")

	unstaged, err := p.GetUnstagedPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.processApplyPackages", 0, err)

	var addPkgs, removePkgs []string
	for _, pkg := range unstaged {
		switch pkg.Status {
		case ADD:
			addPkgs = append(addPkgs, pkg.Name)
		case REMOVE:
			removePkgs = append(removePkgs, pkg.Name)

	finalAddPkgs := ""
	if len(addPkgs) > 0 {
		finalAddPkgs = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", settings.Cnf.IPkgMngAdd, strings.Join(addPkgs, " "))

	finalRemovePkgs := ""
	if len(removePkgs) > 0 {
		finalRemovePkgs = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", settings.Cnf.IPkgMngRm, strings.Join(removePkgs, " "))

	return finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs


  • string
  • string

Show/Hide Method Body
	addPkgs, err := p.GetAddPackagesString(" ")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.processUpgradePackages", 0, err)
		return "", ""

	removePkgs, err := p.GetRemovePackagesString(" ")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.processUpgradePackages", 1, err)
		return "", ""

	if len(addPkgs) == 0 && len(removePkgs) == 0 {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.processUpgradePackages", "no packages to install or remove")
		return "", ""

	finalAddPkgs := ""
	if addPkgs != "" {
		finalAddPkgs = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", settings.Cnf.IPkgMngAdd, addPkgs)

	finalRemovePkgs := ""
	if removePkgs != "" {
		finalRemovePkgs = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", settings.Cnf.IPkgMngRm, removePkgs)

	return finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs


  • operation ABSystemOperation

  • string


Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetFinalCmd", "running...")

	var finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs string
	if operation == APPLY {
		finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs = p.processApplyPackages()
	} else {
		finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs = p.processUpgradePackages()

	cmd := ""
	if finalAddPkgs != "" && finalRemovePkgs != "" {
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", finalAddPkgs, finalRemovePkgs)
	} else if finalAddPkgs != "" {
		cmd = finalAddPkgs
	} else if finalRemovePkgs != "" {
		cmd = finalRemovePkgs

	// No need to add pre/post hooks to an empty operation
	if cmd == "" {
		return cmd

	preExec := settings.Cnf.IPkgMngPre
	postExec := settings.Cnf.IPkgMngPost
	if preExec != "" {
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", preExec, cmd)
	if postExec != "" {
		cmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s && %s", cmd, postExec)

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetFinalCmd", "returning cmd: "+cmd)
	return cmd


  • string
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	if p.CheckStatus() != nil {
		return "", nil

	addPkgs, err := p.GetAddPackages()
	if err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, &os.PathError{}) {
			addPkgs = []string{}
		} else {
			return "", err
	removePkgs, err := p.GetRemovePackages()
	if err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, &os.PathError{}) {
			removePkgs = []string{}
		} else {
			return "", err

	// GetPackages returns slices with one empty element if there are no packages
	if len(addPkgs) == 1 && addPkgs[0] == "" {
		addPkgs = []string{}
	if len(removePkgs) == 1 && removePkgs[0] == "" {
		removePkgs = []string{}

	summary := ""

	for _, pkg := range addPkgs {
		summary += "+ " + pkg + "\n"
	for _, pkg := range removePkgs {
		summary += "- " + pkg + "\n"

	return summary, nil


WriteSummaryToFile writes added and removed packages to summaryFilePath

added packages get the + prefix, while removed packages get the - prefix

  • summaryFilePath string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	summary, err := p.getSummary()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if summary == "" {
		return nil
	summaryFile, err := os.Create(summaryFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer summaryFile.Close()
	err = summaryFile.Chmod(0o644)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = summaryFile.WriteString(summary)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil


  • pkg string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.ExistsInRepo", "running...")

	ok, err := assertPkgMngApiSetUp()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !ok {
		return nil

	url := strings.Replace(settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi, "{packageName}", pkg, 1)
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.ExistsInRepo", "checking if package exists in repo: "+url)

	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.ExistsInRepo", 0, err)
		return err

	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.ExistsInRepo", "package does not exist in repo")
		return fmt.Errorf("package does not exist in repo: %s", pkg)

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.ExistsInRepo", "package exists in repo")
	return nil


AcceptUserAgreement sets the package manager status to enabled

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.AcceptUserAgreement", "running...")

	if p.Status != PKG_MNG_REQ_AGREEMENT {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.AcceptUserAgreement", "package manager is not in agreement mode")
		return nil

	err := os.WriteFile(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.AcceptUserAgreement", 0, err)
		return err

	return nil


GetUserAgreementStatus returns if the user has accepted the package manager

agreement or not

  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUserAgreementStatus", "running...")

	if p.Status != PKG_MNG_REQ_AGREEMENT {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUserAgreementStatus", "package manager is not in agreement mode")
		return true

	_, err := os.Stat(PkgManagerUserAgreementFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUserAgreementStatus", "user has not accepted the agreement")
		return false

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetUserAgreementStatus", "user has accepted the agreement")
	return true


CheckStatus checks if the package manager is enabled or not

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.CheckStatus", "running...")

	// Check if package manager is enabled
	if p.Status == PKG_MNG_DISABLED {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.CheckStatus", "package manager is disabled")
		return nil

	// Check if user has accepted the package manager agreement
	if p.Status == PKG_MNG_REQ_AGREEMENT {
		if !p.GetUserAgreementStatus() {
			PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.CheckStatus", "package manager agreement not accepted")
			err := errors.New("package manager agreement not accepted")
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.CheckStatus", "package manager is enabled")
	return nil

ABRootPkgManagerStatus type

ABRootPkgManagerStatus represents the status of the package manager

in the ABRoot configuration file

Type Definition:


UnstagedPackage struct

An unstaged package is a package that is waiting to be applied

to the next root.

Every time a `pkg apply` or `upgrade` operation

is executed, all unstaged packages are consumed and added/removed

in the next root.


  • Name (string)
  • Status (string)

NewPackageManager function

NewPackageManager returns a new PackageManager struct


  • dryRun bool


  • *PackageManager
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.NewPackageManager", "running...")

	baseDir := PackagesBaseDir
	if dryRun {
		baseDir = DryRunPackagesBaseDir

	err := os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.NewPackageManager", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesAddFile))
	if err != nil {
		err = os.WriteFile(
			filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesAddFile),
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.NewPackageManager", 1, err)
			return nil, err

	_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesRemoveFile))
	if err != nil {
		err = os.WriteFile(
			filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesRemoveFile),
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.NewPackageManager", 2, err)
			return nil, err

	_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesUnstagedFile))
	if err != nil {
		err = os.WriteFile(
			filepath.Join(baseDir, PackagesUnstagedFile),
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.NewPackageManager", 3, err)
			return nil, err

	// here we convert settings.Cnf.IPkgMngStatus to an ABRootPkgManagerStatus
	// for easier understanding in the code
	var status ABRootPkgManagerStatus
	switch settings.Cnf.IPkgMngStatus {
		status = PKG_MNG_ENABLED

	return &PackageManager{dryRun, baseDir, status}, nil

assertPkgMngApiSetUp function

assertPkgMngApiSetUp checks whether the repo API is properly configured.

If a configuration exists but is malformed, returns an error.


  • bool
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	if settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi == "" {
		PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.assertPkgMngApiSetUp", "no API url set, will not check if package exists. This could lead to errors")
		return false, nil

	_, err := url.ParseRequestURI(settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("PackageManager.assertPkgMngApiSetUp: Value set as API url (%s) is not a valid URL", settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi)

	if !strings.Contains(settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi, "{packageName}") {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("PackageManager.assertPkgMngApiSetUp: API url does not contain {packageName} placeholder. ABRoot is probably misconfigured, please report the issue to the maintainers of the distribution")

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.assertPkgMngApiSetUp", "Repo is set up properly")
	return true, nil

GetRepoContentsForPkg function

GetRepoContentsForPkg retrieves package information from the repository API


  • pkg string


  • map[string]interface{}
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg", "running...")

	ok, err := assertPkgMngApiSetUp()
	if err != nil {
		return map[string]interface{}{}, err
	if !ok {
		return map[string]interface{}{}, errors.New("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg: no API url set, cannot query package information")

	url := strings.Replace(settings.Cnf.IPkgMngApi, "{packageName}", pkg, 1)
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg", "fetching package information in: "+url)

	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg", 0, err)
		return map[string]interface{}{}, err

	contents, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg", 1, err)
		return map[string]interface{}{}, err

	pkgInfo := map[string]interface{}{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(contents, &pkgInfo)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageManager.GetRepoContentsForPkg", 2, err)
		return map[string]interface{}{}, err

	return pkgInfo, nil

PCSpecs struct


  • CPU (string)
  • GPU ([]string)
  • Memory (string)

GPUInfo struct


  • Address (string)
  • Description (string)

getCPUInfo function


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	info, err := cpu.Info()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if len(info) == 0 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("CPU information not found")
	return info[0].ModelName, nil

parseGPUInfo function


  • line string


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	parts := strings.SplitN(line, " ", 3)
	if len(parts) < 3 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("GPU information not found")

	parts = strings.SplitN(parts[2], ":", 2)
	if len(parts) < 2 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("GPU information not found")

	return strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]), nil

getGPUInfo function


  • []string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	cmd := exec.Command("lspci")
	output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error getting GPU info:", err)
		return nil, err

	lines := strings.Split(string(output), "\n")

	var gpus []string
	for _, line := range lines {
		if strings.Contains(line, "VGA compatible controller") {
			gpu, err := parseGPUInfo(line)
			if err != nil {
			gpus = append(gpus, gpu)

	return gpus, nil

getMemoryInfo function


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	vm, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return fmt.Sprintf("%d MB", vm.Total/1024/1024), nil

GetPCSpecs function


  • PCSpecs


Show/Hide Function Body
	cpu, _ := getCPUInfo()
	gpu, _ := getGPUInfo()
	memory, _ := getMemoryInfo()

	return PCSpecs{
		CPU:    cpu,
		GPU:    gpu,
		Memory: memory,

init function

Show/Hide Function Body
	if !RootCheck(false) {

	if _, err := os.Stat(abrootDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		err := os.Mkdir(abrootDir, 0755)
		if err != nil {

RootCheck function


  • display bool


  • bool
Show/Hide Function Body
	if os.Geteuid() != 0 {
		if display {
			fmt.Println("You must be root to run this command")

		return false

	return true

fileExists function

fileExists checks if a file exists


  • path string


  • bool
Show/Hide Function Body
	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
		PrintVerboseInfo("fileExists", "File exists:", path)
		return true

	PrintVerboseInfo("fileExists", "File does not exist:", path)
	return false

CopyFile function

CopyFile copies a file from source to dest


  • source string
  • dest string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("CopyFile", "Running...")

	PrintVerboseInfo("CopyFile", "Opening source file")
	srcFile, err := os.Open(source)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("CopyFile", 0, err)
		return err
	defer srcFile.Close()

	PrintVerboseInfo("CopyFile", "Opening destination file")
	destFile, err := os.OpenFile(dest, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("CopyFile", 1, err)
		return err
	defer destFile.Close()

	PrintVerboseInfo("CopyFile", "Performing copy operation")
	if _, err := io.Copy(destFile, srcFile); err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("CopyFile", 2, err)
		return err

	return nil

isDeviceLUKSEncrypted function

isDeviceLUKSEncrypted checks whether a device specified by devicePath is a LUKS-encrypted device


  • devicePath string


  • bool
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("isDeviceLUKSEncrypted", "Verifying if", devicePath, "is encrypted")

	isLuksCmd := "cryptsetup isLuks %s"

	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf(isLuksCmd, devicePath))
	err := cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		// We expect the command to return exit status 1 if partition isn't
		// LUKS-encrypted
		if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			if exitError.ExitCode() == 1 {
				return false, nil
		err = fmt.Errorf("failed to check if %s is LUKS-encrypted: %s", devicePath, err)
		PrintVerboseErr("isDeviceLUKSEncrypted", 0, err)
		return false, err

	return true, nil

getDirSize function

getDirSize calculates the total size of a directory recursively.


  • path string


  • int64
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	ds, err := os.Stat(path)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if !ds.IsDir() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory", path)

	inodes := map[uint64]bool{}
	var totalSize int64 = 0

	dfs := os.DirFS(path)
	err = fs.WalkDir(dfs, ".", func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !d.IsDir() {
			fileinfo, err := d.Info()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			fileinfoSys := fileinfo.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
			if fileinfoSys.Nlink > 1 {
				if _, ok := inodes[fileinfoSys.Ino]; !ok {
					totalSize += fileinfo.Size()
					inodes[fileinfoSys.Ino] = true
			} else {
				totalSize += fileinfo.Size()
				inodes[fileinfoSys.Ino] = true

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return totalSize, nil

AtomicSwap function

atomicSwap allows swapping 2 files or directories in-place and atomically,

using the renameat2 syscall. This should be used instead of os.Rename,

which is not atomic at all


  • src string
  • dst string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicSwap", "running...")

	orig, err := os.Open(src)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("AtomicSwap", 0, err)
		return err

	newfile, err := os.Open(dst)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("AtomicSwap", 1, err)
		return err

	err = unix.Renameat2(int(orig.Fd()), src, int(newfile.Fd()), dst, unix.RENAME_EXCHANGE)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("AtomicSwap", 2, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicSwap", "done")
	return nil

ConfEditResult type

ConfEditResult is the result of the ConfEdit function

Type Definition:


ConfEdit function

ConfEdit opens the configuration file in the default editor


  • ConfEditResult
  • error


Show/Hide Function Body
	editor := os.Getenv("EDITOR")
	if editor == "" {
		nanoBin, err := exec.LookPath("nano")
		if err == nil {
			editor = nanoBin

		viBin, err := exec.LookPath("vi")
		if err == nil {
			editor = viBin

		if editor == "" {
			return CONF_FAILED, fmt.Errorf("no editor found in $EDITOR, nano or vi")

	// getting the configuration content so as we can compare it later
	// to see if it has been changed
	cnfContent, err := os.ReadFile(settings.CnfFileUsed)
	if err != nil {
		return CONF_FAILED, err

	// open the editor
	cmd := exec.Command(editor, settings.CnfFileUsed)
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return CONF_FAILED, err

	// getting the new content
	newCnfContent, err := os.ReadFile(settings.CnfFileUsed)
	if err != nil {
		return CONF_FAILED, err

	// we compare the old and new content to return the proper result
	if string(cnfContent) != string(newCnfContent) {
		return CONF_CHANGED, nil

	return CONF_UNCHANGED, nil

ABImage struct

The ABImage is the representation of an OCI image used by ABRoot, it

contains the digest, the timestamp and the image name. If you need to

investigate the current ABImage on an ABRoot system, you can find it

at /abimage.abr


  • Digest (string) - json:"digest"
  • Timestamp (time.Time) - json:"timestamp"
  • Image (string) - json:"image"



WriteTo writes the json to a destination path, if the suffix is not empty,

it will be appended to the filename

  • dest string
  • suffix string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABImage.WriteTo", "running...")

	if _, err := os.Stat(dest); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		err = os.MkdirAll(dest, 0755)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABImage.WriteTo", 0, err)
			return err

	if suffix != "" {
		suffix = "-" + suffix
	imageName := "abimage" + suffix + ".abr"
	imagePath := filepath.Join(dest, imageName)

	abimage, err := json.Marshal(a)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABImage.WriteTo", 1, err)
		return err

	err = os.WriteFile(imagePath, abimage, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABImage.WriteTo", 2, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABImage.WriteTo", "successfully wrote abimage.abr to "+imagePath)

	return nil

NewABImage function

NewABImage creates a new ABImage instance and returns a pointer to it,

if the digest is empty, it returns an error


  • digest string
  • image string


  • *ABImage
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	if digest == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewABImage: digest is empty")

	return &ABImage{
		Digest:    digest,
		Timestamp: time.Now(),
		Image:     image,
	}, nil

NewABImageFromRoot function

NewABImageFromRoot returns the current ABImage by parsing /abimage.abr, if

it fails, it returns an error (e.g. if the file doesn't exist).

Note for distro maintainers: if the /abimage.abr is not present, it could

mean that the user is running an older version of ABRoot (pre v2) or the

root state is corrupted. In the latter case, generating a new ABImage should

fix the issue, Digest and Timestamp can be random, but Image should reflect

an existing image on the configured Docker registry. Anyway, support on this

is not guaranteed, so please don't open issues about this.


  • *ABImage
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewABImageFromRoot", "running...")

	abimage, err := os.ReadFile("/abimage.abr")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewABImageFromRoot", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	var a ABImage
	err = json.Unmarshal(abimage, &a)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewABImageFromRoot", 1, err)
		return nil, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("NewABImageFromRoot", "found abimage.abr: "+a.Digest)
	return &a, nil

RepairRootIntegrity function


  • rootPath string


  • err error
Show/Hide Function Body

	err = repairLinks(rootPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = repairPaths(rootPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

repairPaths function


  • rootPath string


  • err error
Show/Hide Function Body
	for _, path := range pathsToRepair {
		err = repairPath(filepath.Join(rootPath, path))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

repairPath function


  • path string


  • err error
Show/Hide Function Body
	if info, err := os.Lstat(path); err == nil && info.IsDir() {
		return nil

	err = os.Remove(path)
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		PrintVerboseErr("repairPath", 1, "Can't remove ", path, " : ", err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("repairPath", "Repairing ", path)
	err = os.MkdirAll(path, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("repairPath", 2, "Can't create ", path, " : ", err)
		return err

	return nil

fixupOlderSystems function

this is here to keep compatibility with older systems

e.g. /media was a folder instead of a symlink to /var/media


  • rootPath string
Show/Hide Function Body
	paths := []string{

	for _, path := range paths {
		legacyPath := filepath.Join(rootPath, path)
		newPath := filepath.Join("/var", path)

		if info, err := os.Lstat(legacyPath); err == nil && info.IsDir() {
			err = exec.Command("mv", legacyPath, newPath).Run()
			if err != nil {
				PrintVerboseErr("fixupOlderSystems", 1, "could not move ", legacyPath, " to ", newPath, " : ", err)
				// if moving failed it probably means that it migrated successfully in the past
				// so it's safe to ignore errors

ABRootManager struct

ABRootManager exposes methods to manage ABRoot partitions, this includes

getting the present and future partitions, the boot partition, the init

volume (when using LVM Thin-Provisioning), and the other partition. If you

need to operate on an ABRoot partition, you should use this struct, each

partition is a pointer to a Partition struct, which contains methods to

operate on the partition itself


  • Partitions ([]ABRootPartition)
  • VarPartition (Partition)



GetPartitions gets the root partitions from the current device

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetRootPartitions", "running...")

	diskM := NewDiskManager()
	rootLabels := []string{settings.Cnf.PartLabelA, settings.Cnf.PartLabelB}
	for _, label := range rootLabels {
		partition, err := diskM.GetPartitionByLabel(label)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetRootPartitions", 0, err)
			return err

		identifier, err := a.IdentifyPartition(partition)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetRootPartitions", 1, err)
			return err

		isCurrent := a.IsCurrent(partition)
		a.Partitions = append(a.Partitions, ABRootPartition{
			Label:        partition.Label,
			IdentifiedAs: identifier,
			Partition:    partition,
			MountPoint:   partition.MountPoint,
			MountOptions: partition.MountOptions,
			Uuid:         partition.Uuid,
			FsType:       partition.FsType,
			Current:      isCurrent,

	partition, err := diskM.GetPartitionByLabel(settings.Cnf.PartLabelVar)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetRootPartitions", 2, err)
		return err
	a.VarPartition = partition

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetRootPartitions", "successfully got root partitions")

	return nil


IsCurrent checks if a partition is the current one

  • partition Partition

  • bool


Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IsCurrent", "running...")

	if partition.MountPoint == "/" {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IsCurrent", "partition is current")
		return true

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IsCurrent", "partition is not current")
	return false


IdentifyPartition identifies a partition

  • partition Partition

  • identifiedAs string
  • err error


Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IdentifyPartition", "running...")

	if partition.Label == settings.Cnf.PartLabelA || partition.Label == settings.Cnf.PartLabelB {
		if partition.MountPoint == "/" {
			PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IdentifyPartition", "partition is present")
			return "present", nil

		PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.IdentifyPartition", "partition is future")
		return "future", nil

	err = errors.New("partition is not managed by ABRoot")
	PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.IdentifyPartition", 0, err)
	return "", err


GetPresent gets the present partition

  • partition ABRootPartition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetPresent", "running...")

	for _, partition := range a.Partitions {
		if partition.IdentifiedAs == "present" {
			PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetPresent", "successfully got present partition")
			return partition, nil

	err = errors.New("present partition not found")
	PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetPresent", 0, err)
	return ABRootPartition{}, err


GetFuture gets the future partition

  • partition ABRootPartition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetFuture", "running...")

	for _, partition := range a.Partitions {
		if partition.IdentifiedAs == "future" {
			PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetFuture", "successfully got future partition")
			return partition, nil

	err = errors.New("future partition not found")
	PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetFuture", 0, err)
	return ABRootPartition{}, err


GetOther gets the other partition

  • partition ABRootPartition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetOther", "running...")

	present, err := a.GetPresent()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetOther", 0, err)
		return ABRootPartition{}, err

	if present.Label == settings.Cnf.PartLabelA {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetOther", "successfully got other partition")
		return a.GetPartition(settings.Cnf.PartLabelB)

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetOther", "successfully got other partition")
	return a.GetPartition(settings.Cnf.PartLabelA)


GetPartition gets a partition by label

  • label string

  • partition ABRootPartition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetPartition", "running...")

	for _, partition := range a.Partitions {
		if partition.Label == label {
			PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetPartition", "successfully got partition")
			return partition, nil

	err = errors.New("partition not found")
	PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetPartition", 0, err)
	return ABRootPartition{}, err


GetBoot gets the boot partition from the current device

  • partition Partition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetBoot", "running...")

	diskM := NewDiskManager()
	part, err := diskM.GetPartitionByLabel(settings.Cnf.PartLabelBoot)
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New("boot partition not found")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetBoot", 0, err)

		return Partition{}, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetBoot", "successfully got boot partition")
	return part, nil


GetInit gets the init volume when using LVM Thin-Provisioning

  • partition Partition
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetInit", "running...")

	// Make sure Thin-Provisioning is properly configured
	if !settings.Cnf.ThinProvisioning || settings.Cnf.ThinInitVolume == "" {
		return Partition{}, errors.New("ABRootManager.GetInit: error: system is not configured for thin-provisioning")

	diskM := NewDiskManager()
	part, err := diskM.GetPartitionByLabel(settings.Cnf.ThinInitVolume)
	if err != nil {
		err = errors.New("init volume not found")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABRootManager.GetInit", 0, err)

		return Partition{}, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABRootManager.GetInit", "successfully got init volume")
	return part, nil

ABRootPartition struct

ABRootPartition represents a partition managed by ABRoot


  • Label (string)
  • IdentifiedAs (string)
  • Partition (Partition)
  • MountPoint (string)
  • MountOptions (string)
  • Uuid (string)
  • FsType (string)
  • Current (bool)

NewABRootManager function

NewABRootManager creates a new ABRootManager


  • *ABRootManager
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewABRootManager", "running...")

	a := &ABRootManager{}

	return a

ABSystem struct

An ABSystem allows to perform system operations such as upgrades,

package changes and rollback on an ABRoot-compliant system.


  • Checks (*Checks)
  • RootM (*ABRootManager)
  • Registry (*Registry)
  • CurImage (*ABImage)



CheckAll performs all checks from the Checks struct

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.CheckAll", "running...")

	err := s.Checks.PerformAllChecks()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.CheckAll", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.CheckAll", "all checks passed")
	return nil


CheckUpdate checks if there is an update available

  • string
  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.CheckUpdate", "running...")
	return s.Registry.HasUpdate(s.CurImage.Digest)

  • systemNewPath string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.CreateRootSymlinks", "creating symlinks")
	links := []string{"mnt", "proc", "run", "dev", "media", "root", "sys", "tmp", "var"}

	for _, link := range links {
		linkName := filepath.Join(systemNewPath, link)

		err := os.RemoveAll(linkName)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.CreateRootSymlinks", 1, err)
			return err

		targetName := filepath.Join("/", link)

		err = os.Symlink(targetName, linkName)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.CreateRootSymlinks", 2, err)
			return err

	return nil


RunOperation executes a root-switching operation from the options below:


Upgrades to a new image, if available,


Forces the upgrade operation, even if no new image is available,


Applies package changes, but doesn't update the system.


Updates the initramfs for the future root, but doesn't update the system.

  • operation ABSystemOperation

  • error


Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RunOperation", "starting", operation)

	cq := goodies.NewCleanupQueue()
	defer cq.Run()

	// Stage 0: Check if upgrade is possible
	// -------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 0] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UpgradeLockExists() {
		if isAbrootRunning() {
			PrintVerboseWarn("ABSystemRunOperation", 0, "upgrades are locked, another is running")
			return errors.New("upgrades are locked, another is running")

		err := removeUpgradeLock()
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 0, err)
			return err

	err := s.LockUpgrade()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 0.1, err)
		return err

	// here we create the stage file to indicate that the upgrade is in progress
	// and the process can safely be stopped
	err = s.CreateStageFile()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 0.2, err)
		return err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return s.UnlockUpgrade()
	}, nil, 100, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	// Stage 1: Check if there is an update available
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 1] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UserLockRequested() {
		err := errors.New("upgrade locked per user request")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 1, err)
		return err

	var imageDigest string
	if operation != APPLY && operation != INITRAMFS {
		var res bool
		imageDigest, res = s.CheckUpdate()
		if !res {
			if operation != FORCE_UPGRADE {
				PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 1.1, err)
				return ErrNoUpdate
			imageDigest = s.CurImage.Digest
			PrintVerboseWarn("ABSystemRunOperation", 1.2, "No update available but --force is set. Proceeding...")
	} else {
		imageDigest = s.CurImage.Digest

	// Stage 2: Get the future root and boot partitions,
	// 			mount future to /part-future and clean up
	// 			old .system_new and abimage-new.abr (it is
	// 			possible that last transaction was interrupted
	// 			before the clean up was done). Finally run
	// 			the IntegrityCheck on the future root.
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 2] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UserLockRequested() {
		err := errors.New("upgrade locked per user request")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 2, err)
		return err

	partFuture, err := s.RootM.GetFuture()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 2.1, err)
		return err

	partBoot, err := s.RootM.GetBoot()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 2.2, err)
		return err

	partFuture.Partition.Unmount() // just in case

	err = partFuture.Partition.Mount("/part-future/")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 2.3, err)
		return err

	os.RemoveAll("/part-future/abimage-new.abr") // errors are safe to ignore

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return partFuture.Partition.Unmount()
	}, nil, 90, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	err = RepairRootIntegrity(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 2.4, err)
		return err

	// Stage 3: Make a imageRecipe with user packages
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 3] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UserLockRequested() {
		err := errors.New("upgrade locked per user request")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3, err)
		return err

	futurePartition, err := s.RootM.GetFuture()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3.1, err)
		return err

	labels := map[string]string{
		"maintainer":  "'Generated by ABRoot'",
		"ABRoot.root": futurePartition.Label,
	args := map[string]string{}
	pkgM, err := NewPackageManager(false)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3.2, err)
		return err

	pkgsFinal := pkgM.GetFinalCmd(operation)
	if pkgsFinal == "" {
		pkgsFinal = "true"
	content := `RUN ` + pkgsFinal

	var imageName string
	switch operation {
		presentPartition, err := s.RootM.GetPresent()
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3.3, err)
			return err
		imageName, err = RetrieveImageForRoot(presentPartition.Label)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3.4, err)
			return err
		// Handle case where an image for the current root may not exist
		// in storage
		if imageName == "" {
			imageName = settings.Cnf.FullImageName
		imageName = strings.Split(settings.Cnf.FullImageName, ":")[0]
		imageName += "@" + imageDigest
		labels["ABRoot.BaseImageDigest"] = imageDigest

	// Stage 3.1: Delete old image
	switch operation {
		err = DeleteImageForRoot(futurePartition.Label)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 3.5, err)
			return err

	imageRecipe := NewImageRecipe(

	// Stage 4: Extract the rootfs
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 4] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UserLockRequested() {
		err := errors.New("upgrade locked per user request")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 4, err)
		return err

	abrootTrans := filepath.Join(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, "abroot-trans")
	systemOld := filepath.Join(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, ".system")
	systemNew := filepath.Join(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, "")
	if os.Getenv("ABROOT_FREE_SPACE") != "" {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystemRunOperation", "ABROOT_FREE_SPACE is set, deleting future system to free space, this is potentially harmful, assuming we are in a test environment")
		err := os.RemoveAll(systemOld)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 4, err)
			return err
		err = os.MkdirAll(systemOld, 0o755)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 4.1, err)
			return err
	} else {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystemRunOperation", "Creating a reflink clone of the old system to copy into")
		err := os.RemoveAll(systemNew)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 4.11, "could not cleanup old systemNew folder", err)
			return err
		err = exec.Command("cp", "--reflink", "-a", systemOld, systemNew).Run()
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseWarn("ABSystemRunOperation", 4.12, "reflink copy of system failed, falling back to slow copy because:", err)
			// can be safely ignored
			// file system doesn't support CoW

	err = OciExportRootFs(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 4.2, err)
		return err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return pkgM.ClearUnstagedPackages()
	}, nil, 10, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	// Stage 5: Write and config to future/
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 5] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	if s.UserLockRequested() {
		err := errors.New("upgrade locked per user request")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 5, err)
		return err

	abimage, err := NewABImage(imageDigest, settings.Cnf.FullImageName)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 5.1, err)
		return err

	err = abimage.WriteTo(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, "new")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 5.2, err)
		return err

	varParent := s.RootM.VarPartition.Parent
	if varParent != nil && varParent.IsEncrypted() {
		device := varParent.Device
		if varParent.IsDevMapper() {
			device = "/dev/mapper/" + device
		} else {
			device = "/dev/" + device

		settings.Cnf.PartCryptVar = device

	err = settings.WriteConfigToFile(filepath.Join(systemNew, "/usr/share/abroot/abroot.json"))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 5.25, err)
		return err

	err = pkgM.WriteSummaryToFile(filepath.Join(systemNew, "/usr/share/abroot/package-summary"))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 5.26, err)
		return err

	// from this point on, it is not possible to stop the upgrade
	// so we remove the stage file. Note that interrupting the upgrade
	// from this point on will not leave the system in an inconsistent
	// state, but it could leave the future partition in a dirty state
	// preventing it from booting.
	err = s.RemoveStageFile()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystemRunOperation", 5.3, err)
		return err

	// Stage (dry): If dry-run, exit here before writing to disk
	// ------------------------------------------------
	switch operation {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RunOperation", "dry-run completed")
		return nil

	// Stage 6: Update the bootloader
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 6] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	partPresent, err := s.RootM.GetPresent()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.01, "failed to get present partition:", err)

	chroot, err := NewChroot(
		filepath.Join("/var/lib/abroot/etc", partPresent.Label),
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.02, err)
		return err

	generatedGrubConfigPath := "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"

	grubCommand := fmt.Sprintf(settings.Cnf.UpdateGrubCmd, generatedGrubConfigPath)
	err = chroot.Execute(grubCommand)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.1, err)
		return err

	err = chroot.Execute(settings.Cnf.UpdateInitramfsCmd) // ensure initramfs is updated
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.2, err)
		return err

	err = chroot.Close()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.25, err)
		return err

	newKernelVer := getKernelVersion(filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot"))
	if newKernelVer == "" {
		err := errors.New("could not get kernel version")
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.26, err)
		return err

	var rootUuid string
	// If Thin-Provisioning set, mount init partition and move linux and initrd
	// images to it.
	var initMountpoint string
	if settings.Cnf.ThinProvisioning {
		initPartition, err := s.RootM.GetInit()
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.3, err)
			return err

		initMountpoint = filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot", "init")
		err = initPartition.Mount(initMountpoint)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.4, err)
			return err

		cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
			return initPartition.Unmount()
		}, nil, 80, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

		futureInitDir := filepath.Join(initMountpoint, partFuture.Label)

		err = os.RemoveAll(futureInitDir)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseWarn("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.44)
		err = os.MkdirAll(futureInitDir, 0o755)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseWarn("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.47, err)

		err = CopyFile(
			filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot", "vmlinuz-"+newKernelVer),
			filepath.Join(futureInitDir, "vmlinuz-"+newKernelVer),
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.5, err)
			return err
		err = CopyFile(
			filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot", "initrd.img-"+newKernelVer),
			filepath.Join(futureInitDir, "initrd.img-"+newKernelVer),
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.6, err)
			return err

		os.Remove(filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot", "vmlinuz-"+newKernelVer))
		os.Remove(filepath.Join(systemNew, "boot", "initrd.img-"+newKernelVer))

		rootUuid = initPartition.Uuid
	} else {
		rootUuid = partFuture.Partition.Uuid

	err = generateABGrubConf(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.7, err)
		return err

	// Create links back to the root system
	err = s.CreateRootSymlinks(systemNew)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7.8, err)
		return err

	// Stage 7: Sync /etc
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 7] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	oldEtc := "/.system/sysconf" // The current etc WITHOUT anything overlayed
	presentEtc, err := s.RootM.GetPresent()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 8, err)
		return err
	futureEtc, err := s.RootM.GetFuture()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 8.1, err)
		return err
	oldUpperEtc := fmt.Sprintf("/var/lib/abroot/etc/%s", presentEtc.Label)
	newUpperEtc := fmt.Sprintf("/var/lib/abroot/etc/%s", futureEtc.Label)

	// make sure the future etc directories exist, ignoring errors
	newWorkEtc := fmt.Sprintf("/var/lib/abroot/etc/%s-work", futureEtc.Label)
	os.MkdirAll(newUpperEtc, 0o755)
	os.MkdirAll(newWorkEtc, 0o755)

	err = EtcBuilder.ExtBuildCommand(oldEtc, systemNew+"/sysconf", oldUpperEtc, newUpperEtc)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("AbSystem.RunOperation", 8.2, err)
		return err

	// Stage 8: Mount boot partition
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 8] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	uuid := uuid.New().String()
	tmpBootMount := filepath.Join("/tmp", uuid)
	err = os.Mkdir(tmpBootMount, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 9, err)
		return err

	err = partBoot.Mount(tmpBootMount)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 9.1, err)
		return err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return partBoot.Unmount()
	}, nil, 100, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	// Stage 9: Atomic swap the rootfs and abimage.abr
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 9] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	err = AtomicSwap(systemOld, systemNew)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 10, err)
		return err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return os.RemoveAll(systemNew)
	}, nil, 20, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	oldABImage := filepath.Join(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, "abimage.abr")
	newABImage := filepath.Join(partFuture.Partition.MountPoint, "abimage-new.abr")

	// PartFuture may not have /abimage.abr if it got corrupted or was wiped.
	// In these cases, create a dummy file for the atomic swap.
	if _, err = os.Stat(oldABImage); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RunOperation", "Creating dummy /part-future/abimage.abr")

	err = AtomicSwap(oldABImage, newABImage)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 10.1, err)
		return err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return os.RemoveAll(newABImage)
	}, nil, 30, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	// Stage 10: Atomic swap the bootloader
	// ------------------------------------------------
	PrintVerboseSimple("[Stage 10] -------- ABSystemRunOperation")

	grub, err := NewGrub(partBoot)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 11, err)
		return err

	// Only swap grub entries if we're booted into the present partition
	isPresent, err := grub.IsBootedIntoPresentRoot()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 11.1, err)
		return err
	if isPresent {
		grubCfgCurrent := filepath.Join(tmpBootMount, "grub/grub.cfg")
		grubCfgFuture := filepath.Join(tmpBootMount, "grub/grub.cfg.future")

		// Just like in Stage 9, tmpBootMount/grub/grub.cfg.future may not exist.
		if _, err = os.Stat(grubCfgFuture); os.IsNotExist(err) {
			PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RunOperation", "Creating grub.cfg.future")

			grubCfgContents, err := os.ReadFile(grubCfgCurrent)
			if err != nil {
				PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 11.2, err)

			var replacerPairs []string
			if grub.FutureRoot == "a" {
				replacerPairs = []string{
					"default=1", "default=0",
					"Previous State (A)", "Current State (A)",
					"Current State (B)", "Previous State (B)",
			} else {
				replacerPairs = []string{
					"default=0", "default=1",
					"Current State (A)", "Previous State (A)",
					"Previous State (B)", "Current State (B)",

			replacer := strings.NewReplacer(replacerPairs...)
			os.WriteFile(grubCfgFuture, []byte(replacer.Replace(string(grubCfgContents))), 0o644)

		err = AtomicSwap(grubCfgCurrent, grubCfgFuture)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 11.3, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RunOperation", "upgrade completed")
	return nil


Rollback swaps the master grub files if the current root is not the default

  • checkOnly bool

  • response ABRollbackResponse
  • err error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.Rollback", "starting")

	cq := goodies.NewCleanupQueue()
	defer cq.Run()

	// we won't allow upgrades while rolling back
	if !checkOnly {
		err = s.LockUpgrade()
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 0, err)
			return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	partBoot, err := s.RootM.GetBoot()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 1, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	uuid := uuid.New().String()
	tmpBootMount := filepath.Join("/tmp", uuid)
	err = os.Mkdir(tmpBootMount, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 2, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	err = partBoot.Mount(tmpBootMount)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 3, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	cq.Add(func(args ...interface{}) error {
		return partBoot.Unmount()
	}, nil, 100, &goodies.NoErrorHandler{}, false)

	grub, err := NewGrub(partBoot)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 4, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	// Only swap grub entries if we're booted into the present partition
	isPresent, err := grub.IsBootedIntoPresentRoot()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 5, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	// If checkOnly is true, we stop here and return the appropriate response
	if checkOnly {
		response = ROLLBACK_RES_YES
		if isPresent {
			response = ROLLBACK_RES_NO
		return response, nil

	if isPresent {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.Rollback", "current root is the default, nothing to do")

	grubCfgCurrent := filepath.Join(tmpBootMount, "grub/grub.cfg")
	grubCfgFuture := filepath.Join(tmpBootMount, "grub/grub.cfg.future")

	// Just like in Stage 9, tmpBootMount/grub/grub.cfg.future may not exist.
	if _, err = os.Stat(grubCfgFuture); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.Rollback", "Creating grub.cfg.future")

		grubCfgContents, err := os.ReadFile(grubCfgCurrent)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.Rollback", 6, err)

		var replacerPairs []string
		if grub.FutureRoot == "a" {
			replacerPairs = []string{
				"default=1", "default=0",
				"A (previous)", "A (current)",
				"B (current)", "B (previous)",
		} else {
			replacerPairs = []string{
				"default=0", "default=1",
				"A (current)", "A (previous)",
				"B (previous)", "B (current)",

		replacer := strings.NewReplacer(replacerPairs...)
		os.WriteFile(grubCfgFuture, []byte(replacer.Replace(string(grubCfgContents))), 0o644)

	err = AtomicSwap(grubCfgCurrent, grubCfgFuture)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RunOperation", 7, err)
		return ROLLBACK_FAILED, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.Rollback", "rollback completed")


UserLockRequested checks if the user lock file exists and returns a boolean

note that if the user lock file exists, it means that the user explicitly

requested the upgrade to be locked (using an update manager for example)

  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	if _, err := os.Stat(userLockFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return false

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.UserLockRequested", "lock file exists")
	return true


UpgradeLockExists checks if the lock file exists and returns a boolean

  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	if _, err := os.Stat(lockFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return false

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.UpgradeLockExists", "lock file exists")
	return true


LockUpgrade creates a lock file, preventing upgrades from proceeding

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	_, err := os.Create(lockFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.LockUpgrade", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.LockUpgrade", "lock file created")
	return nil


UnlockUpgrade removes the lock file, allowing upgrades to proceed

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	err := os.Remove(lockFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.UnlockUpgrade", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.UnlockUpgrade", "lock file removed")
	return nil


CreateStageFile creates the stage file, which is used to determine if

the upgrade can be interrupted or not. If the stage file is present, it

means that the upgrade is in a state where it is still possible to

interrupt it, otherwise it is not. This is useful for third-party

applications like update managers.

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	_, err := os.Create(stageFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.CreateStageFile", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.CreateStageFile", "stage file created")
	return nil


RemoveStageFile removes the stage file disabling the ability to interrupt

the upgrade process

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	err := os.Remove(stageFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ABSystem.RemoveStageFile", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ABSystem.RemoveStageFile", "stage file removed")
	return nil

ABSystemOperation type

ABSystemOperation represents a system operation to be performed by the

ABSystem, must be given as a parameter to the RunOperation function.

Type Definition:


ABRollbackResponse type

ABRollbackResponse represents the response of a rollback operation

Type Definition:


NewABSystem function

NewABSystem initializes a new ABSystem, which contains all the functions

to perform system operations such as upgrades, package changes and rollback.

It returns a pointer to the initialized ABSystem and an error, if any.


  • *ABSystem
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewABSystem: running...")

	i, err := NewABImageFromRoot()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewABSystem", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	c := NewChecks()
	r := NewRegistry()
	rm := NewABRootManager()

	return &ABSystem{
		Checks:   c,
		RootM:    rm,
		Registry: r,
		CurImage: i,
	}, nil

isAbrootRunning function

isAbrootRunning checks if an instance of the `abroot` command is running

other than the current process


  • bool
Show/Hide Function Body
	pid := os.Getpid()
	procs, err := os.ReadDir("/proc")
	if err != nil {
		return false

	for _, file := range procs {
		if file.IsDir() {
			if _, err := strconv.Atoi(file.Name()); err == nil {
				cmdline, err := os.ReadFile("/proc/" + file.Name() + "/cmdline")
				exe, exeErr := os.Readlink("/proc/" + file.Name() + "/exe")
				if (err == nil && strings.Contains(string(cmdline), "abroot")) || (exeErr == nil && strings.Contains(exe, "abroot")) {
					procPid, _ := strconv.Atoi(file.Name())
					if procPid != pid {
						return true
	return false

removeUpgradeLock function

removeUpgradeLock removes the lock file, allowing upgrades to proceed


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	err := os.Remove(lockFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("removeUpgradeLock", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("removeUpgradeLock", "upgrade lock removed")
	return nil

Checks struct

Represents a Checks struct which contains all the checks which can

be performed one by one or all at once using PerformAllChecks()



PerformAllChecks performs all checks

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	err := c.CheckCompatibilityFS()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = c.CheckConnectivity()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = c.CheckRoot()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil


CheckCompatibilityFS checks if the filesystem is compatible with ABRoot v2

if not, it returns an error. Note that currently only ext4, btrfs and xfs

are supported/tested. Here we assume some utilities are installed, such as

findmnt and lsblk

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Checks.CheckCompatibilityFS", "running...")

	var fs []string
	if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
		fs = []string{"ext4", "btrfs", "xfs"}
	} else {
		err := fmt.Errorf("your OS (%s) is not supported", runtime.GOOS)
		PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckCompatibilityFS", 0, err)
		return err

	cmd, err := exec.Command("findmnt", "-n", "-o", "source", "/").Output()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckCompatibilityFS", 1, err)
		return err
	device := string([]byte(cmd[:len(cmd)-1]))

	cmd, err = exec.Command("lsblk", "-o", "fstype", "-n", device).Output()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckCompatibilityFS", 2, err)
		return err
	fsType := string([]byte(cmd[:len(cmd)-1]))

	for _, f := range fs {
		if f == string(fsType) {
			PrintVerboseInfo("CheckCompatibilityFS", fsType, "is supported")
			return nil

	err = fmt.Errorf("the filesystem (%s) is not supported", fsType)
	PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckCompatibilityFS", 3, err)
	return err


CheckConnectivity checks if the system is connected to the internet

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Checks.CheckConnectivity", "running...")

	timeout := 5 * time.Second
	_, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", "", timeout)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckConnectivity", 1, err)
		return err

	return nil


CheckRoot checks if the user is root and returns an error if not

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Checks.CheckRoot", "running...")

	if os.Geteuid() == 0 {
		PrintVerboseInfo("Checks.CheckRoot", "you are root")
		return nil

	err := errors.New("not root")
	PrintVerboseErr("Checks.CheckRoot", 1, err)
	return err

NewChecks function

NewChecks returns a new Checks struct


  • *Checks
Show/Hide Function Body
	return &Checks{}

ImageRecipe struct

An ImageRecipe represents a Dockerfile/Containerfile-like recipe


  • From (string)
  • Labels (map[string]string)
  • Args (map[string]string)
  • Content (string)



Write writes a ImageRecipe to the given path, returning an error if any

  • path string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("ImageRecipe.Write", "running...")

	// create file
	file, err := os.Create(path)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ImageRecipe.Write", 0, err)
		return err
	defer file.Close()

	// write from
	_, err = file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("FROM %s\n", c.From))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ImageRecipe.Write", 1, err)
		return err

	// write labels
	for key, value := range c.Labels {
		_, err = file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("LABEL %s=%s\n", key, value))
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ImageRecipe.Write", 2, err)
			return err

	// write args
	for key, value := range c.Args {
		_, err = file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ARG %s=%s\n", key, value))
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("ImageRecipe.Write", 3, err)
			return err

	// write content
	_, err = file.WriteString(c.Content)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("ImageRecipe.Write", 4, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("ImageRecipe.Write", "done")
	return nil

NewImageRecipe function

NewImageRecipe creates a new ImageRecipe instance and returns a pointer to it


  • image string
  • labels map[string]string
  • args map[string]string
  • content string


  • *ImageRecipe
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewImageRecipe", "running...")

	return &ImageRecipe{
		From:    image,
		Labels:  labels,
		Args:    args,
		Content: content,

getKernelVersion function

getKernelVersion returns the latest kernel version available in the root


  • bootPath string


  • string
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("getKernelVersion", "running...")

	kernelDir := filepath.Join(bootPath, "vmlinuz-*")
	files, err := filepath.Glob(kernelDir)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("getKernelVersion", 0, err)
		return ""

	if len(files) == 0 {
		PrintVerboseErr("getKernelVersion", 1, errors.New("no kernel found"))
		return ""

	var maxVer *version.Version
	for _, file := range files {
		verStr := filepath.Base(file)[8:]
		ver, err := version.NewVersion(verStr)
		if err != nil {
		if maxVer == nil || ver.GreaterThan(maxVer) {
			maxVer = ver

	if maxVer != nil {
		return maxVer.String()

	return ""

init function

Show/Hide Function Body
	if os.Getenv("ABROOT_KARGS_PATH") != "" {
		KargsPath = os.Getenv("ABROOT_KARGS_PATH")

kargsCreateIfMissing function

kargsCreateIfMissing creates the kargs file if it doesn't exist


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("kargsCreateIfMissing", "running...")

	if _, err := os.Stat(KargsPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		PrintVerboseInfo("kargsCreateIfMissing", "creating kargs file...")
		err = os.WriteFile(KargsPath, []byte(DefaultKargs), 0644)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("kargsCreateIfMissing", 0, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("kargsCreateIfMissing", "done")
	return nil

KargsWrite function

KargsWrite makes a backup of the current kargs file and then

writes the new content to it


  • content string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsWrite", "running...")

	err := kargsCreateIfMissing()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsWrite", 0, err)
		return err

	validated, err := KargsFormat(content)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsWrite", 1, err)
		return err

	err = KargsBackup()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsWrite", 2, err)
		return err

	err = os.WriteFile(KargsPath, []byte(validated), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsWrite", 3, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsWrite", "done")
	return nil

KargsBackup function

KargsBackup makes a backup of the current kargs file


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsBackup", "running...")

	content, err := KargsRead()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsBackup", 0, err)
		return err

	err = os.WriteFile(KargsPath+".bak", []byte(content), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsBackup", 1, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsBackup", "done")
	return nil

KargsRead function

KargsRead reads the content of the kargs file


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsRead", "running...")

	err := kargsCreateIfMissing()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsRead", 0, err)
		return "", err

	content, err := os.ReadFile(KargsPath)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsRead", 1, err)
		return "", err

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsRead", "done")
	return string(content), nil

KargsFormat function

KargsFormat formats the contents of the kargs file, ensuring that

there are no duplicate entries, multiple spaces or trailing newline


  • content string


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsValidate", "running...")

	kargs := []string{}

	lines := strings.Split(content, "\n")
	for _, line := range lines {
		if line == "" {

		lineArgs := strings.Split(line, " ")
		for _, larg := range lineArgs {
			// Check for duplicates
			isDuplicate := false
			for _, ka := range kargs {
				if ka == larg {
					isDuplicate = true

			if !isDuplicate {
				kargs = append(kargs, larg)

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsValidate", "done")
	return strings.Join(kargs, " "), nil

KargsEdit function

KargsEdit copies the kargs file to a temporary file and opens it in the

user's preferred editor by querying the $EDITOR environment variable.

Once closed, its contents are written back to the main kargs file.

This function returns a boolean parameter indicating whether any changes

were made to the kargs file.


  • bool
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "running...")

	editor := os.Getenv("EDITOR")
	if editor == "" {
		editor = "nano"

	err := kargsCreateIfMissing()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 0, err)
		return false, err

	// Open a temporary file, so editors installed via apx can also be used
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "Copying kargs file to /tmp")
	err = CopyFile(KargsPath, KargsTmpFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 1, err)
		return false, err

	// Call $EDITOR on temp file
	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "Opening", KargsTmpFile, "in", editor)
	cmd := exec.Command(editor, KargsTmpFile)
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 2, err)
		return false, err

	content, err := os.ReadFile(KargsTmpFile)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 3, err)
		return false, err

	// Check whether there were any changes
	ogContent, err := os.ReadFile(KargsPath)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 4, err)
		return false, err
	if string(ogContent) == string(content) {
		PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "No changes were made to kargs, skipping save.")
		return false, nil

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "Writing contents of", KargsTmpFile, "to the original location")
	err = KargsWrite(string(content))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("KargsEdit", 5, err)
		return false, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("KargsEdit", "Done")
	return true, nil

NotEnoughSpaceError struct



  • string

Show/Hide Method Body
	return "not enough space in disk"

padString function


  • str string
  • size int


  • string
Show/Hide Function Body
	if len(str) < size {
		return str + strings.Repeat(" ", size-len(str))
	} else {
		return str

OciExportRootFs function

OciExportRootFs generates a rootfs from an image recipe file


  • buildImageName string
  • imageRecipe *ImageRecipe
  • transDir string
  • dest string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("OciExportRootFs", "running...")

	pt, err := prometheus.NewPrometheus(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 0, err)
		return err

	imageRecipePath := filepath.Join(transDir, "imageRecipe")

	if transDir == dest {
		err := errors.New("transDir and dest cannot be the same")
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 1, err)
		return err

	// create dest if it doesn't exist
	err = os.MkdirAll(dest, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 3, err)
		return err

	// cleanup transDir
	err = os.RemoveAll(transDir)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 4, err)
		return err
	err = os.MkdirAll(transDir, 0o755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 5, err)
		return err

	// write imageRecipe
	err = imageRecipe.Write(imageRecipePath)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 6, err)
		return err

	pulledImage := false
	// pull image
	if !strings.HasPrefix(imageRecipe.From, "localhost/") {
		err = pullImageWithProgressbar(pt, buildImageName, imageRecipe)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 6.1, err)
			return err
		pulledImage = true

	// build image
	imageBuild, err := pt.BuildContainerFile(imageRecipePath, buildImageName)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 7, err)
		return err

	if pulledImage {
		// This is safe because BuildContainerFile layers on top of the base image
		// So this won't delete the actual layers, only the image reference
		_, err = pt.Store.DeleteImage(imageRecipe.From, true)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseWarn("OciExportRootFs", 7.5, "could not delete downloaded image", err)

	// mount image
	mountDir, err := pt.MountImage(imageBuild.TopLayer)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8, err)
		return err

	err = checkImageSize(mountDir, dest)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8.5, err)
		return err

	// copy mount dir contents to dest
	err = rsyncCmd(mountDir+"/", dest, []string{"--delete", "--checksum"}, false)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 9, err)
		return err

	// unmount image
	_, err = pt.UnMountImage(imageBuild.TopLayer, true)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 10, err)
		return err

	return nil

checkImageSize function

returns nil if there's enough space in the filesystem for the image

returns NotEnoughSpaceError if there is not enough space

returns other error if the sizes were not calculated correctly


  • imageDir string
  • filesystemMount string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	imageDirStat, err := os.Stat(imageDir)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8.1, err)
		return err

	var imageDirSize int64
	if imageDirStat.IsDir() {
		imageDirSize, err = getDirSize(imageDir)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8.2, err)
			return err
	} else {
		imageDirSize = imageDirStat.Size()

	var stat syscall.Statfs_t
	err = syscall.Statfs(filesystemMount, &stat)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8.3, err)
		return err

	availableSpace := stat.Blocks * uint64(stat.Bsize)
	if settings.Cnf.ThinProvisioning {
		availableSpace /= 2

	if uint64(imageDirSize) > availableSpace {
		err := &NotEnoughSpaceError{}
		PrintVerboseErr("OciExportRootFs", 8.4, err)
		return err

	return nil

pullImageWithProgressbar function

pullImageWithProgressbar pulls the image specified in the provided recipe

and reports the download progress using pterm progressbars. Each blob has

its own bar, similar to how docker and podman report downloads in their

respective CLIs


  • pt *prometheus.Prometheus
  • name string
  • image *ImageRecipe


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("pullImageWithProgressbar", "running...")

	progressCh := make(chan types.ProgressProperties)
	manifestCh := make(chan prometheus.OciManifest)

	defer close(progressCh)
	defer close(manifestCh)

	err := pt.PullImageAsync(image.From, name, progressCh, manifestCh)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("pullImageWithProgressbar", 0, err)
		return err

	multi := pterm.DefaultMultiPrinter
	bars := map[string]*pterm.ProgressbarPrinter{}


	barFmt := "%s [%s/%s]"
	for {
		select {
		case report := <-progressCh:
			digest := report.Artifact.Digest.Encoded()
			if pb, ok := bars[digest]; ok {
				progressBytes := humanize.Bytes(uint64(report.Offset))
				totalBytes := humanize.Bytes(uint64(report.Artifact.Size))

				pb.Add(int(report.Offset) - pb.Current)

				title := fmt.Sprintf(barFmt, digest[:12], progressBytes, totalBytes)
				pb.UpdateTitle(padString(title, 28))
			} else {
				totalBytes := humanize.Bytes(uint64(report.Artifact.Size))

				title := fmt.Sprintf(barFmt, digest[:12], "0", totalBytes)
				newPb, err := Progressbar.WithTotal(int(report.Artifact.Size)).WithWriter(multi.NewWriter()).Start(padString(title, 28))
				if err != nil {
					PrintVerboseErr("pullImageWithProgressbar", 1, err)
					return err

				bars[digest] = newPb
		case <-manifestCh:
			return nil

FindImageWithLabel function

FindImageWithLabel returns the name of the first image containinig the provided key-value pair

or an empty string if none was found

FindImageWithLabel returns the name of the first image containing the

provided key-value pair or an empty string if none was found


  • key string
  • value string


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("FindImageWithLabel", "running...")

	pt, err := prometheus.NewPrometheus(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("FindImageWithLabel", 0, err)
		return "", err

	images, err := pt.Store.Images()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("FindImageWithLabel", 1, err)
		return "", err

	for _, img := range images {
		// This is the only way I could find to get the labels form an image
		builder, err := buildah.ImportBuilderFromImage(context.Background(), pt.Store, buildah.ImportFromImageOptions{Image: img.ID})
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("FindImageWithLabel", 2, err)
			return "", err

		val, ok := builder.Labels()[key]
		if ok && val == value {
			return img.Names[0], nil

	return "", nil

RetrieveImageForRoot function

RetrieveImageForRoot retrieves the image created for the provided root

based on the label. Note for distro maintainers: labels must follow those

defined in the ABRoot config file


  • root string


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("RetrieveImageForRoot", "running...")

	image, err := FindImageWithLabel("ABRoot.root", root)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("RetrieveImageForRoot", 0, err)
		return "", err

	return image, nil

DeleteImageForRoot function

DeleteImageForRoot deletes the image created for the provided root


  • root string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	image, err := RetrieveImageForRoot(root)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("DeleteImageForRoot", 0, err)
		return err

	pt, err := prometheus.NewPrometheus(
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("DeleteImageForRoot", 1, err)
		return err

	_, err = pt.Store.DeleteImage(image, true)
	if err != nil && err != cstypes.ErrNotAnImage {
		PrintVerboseErr("DeleteImageForRoot", 2, err)
		return err

	return nil

BaseImagePackageDiff function

BaseImagePackageDiff retrieves the added, removed, upgraded and downgraded

base packages (the ones bundled with the image).


  • currentDigest string
  • newDigest string


  • added []diff.PackageDiff
  • upgraded []diff.PackageDiff
  • downgraded []diff.PackageDiff
  • removed []diff.PackageDiff
  • err error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", "running...")

	imageComponents := strings.Split(settings.Cnf.Name, "/")
	imageName := imageComponents[len(imageComponents)-1]
	reqUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/images/%s/diff", settings.Cnf.DifferURL, imageName)
	body := fmt.Sprintf("{\"old_digest\": \"%s\", \"new_digest\": \"%s\"}", currentDigest, newDigest)

	PrintVerboseInfo("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", "Requesting base image diff to", reqUrl, "with body", body)

	request, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, reqUrl, strings.NewReader(body))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", 0, err)
	defer request.Body.Close()

	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", 1, err)
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", 2, fmt.Errorf("received non-OK status %s", resp.Status))

	contents, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", 3, err)

	pkgDiff := struct {
		Added, Upgraded, Downgraded, Removed []diff.PackageDiff
	err = json.Unmarshal(contents, &pkgDiff)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.BaseImagePackageDiff", 4, err)

	added = pkgDiff.Added
	upgraded = pkgDiff.Upgraded
	downgraded = pkgDiff.Downgraded
	removed = pkgDiff.Removed


OverlayPackageDiff function

OverlayPackageDiff retrieves the added, removed, upgraded and downgraded

overlay packages (the ones added manually via `abroot pkg add`).


  • added []diff.PackageDiff
  • upgraded []diff.PackageDiff
  • downgraded []diff.PackageDiff
  • removed []diff.PackageDiff
  • err error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("OverlayPackageDiff", "running...")

	pkgM, err := NewPackageManager(false)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("OverlayPackageDiff", 0, err)

	addedPkgs, err := pkgM.GetAddPackages()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.OverlayPackageDiff", 0, err)

	localAddedVersions := dpkg.DpkgBatchGetPackageVersion(addedPkgs)
	localAdded := map[string]string{}
	for i := 0; i < len(addedPkgs); i++ {
		if localAddedVersions[i] != "" {
			localAdded[addedPkgs[i]] = localAddedVersions[i]

	remoteAdded := map[string]string{}
	var pkgInfo map[string]interface{}
	for pkgName := range localAdded {
		pkgInfo, err = GetRepoContentsForPkg(pkgName)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("PackageDiff.OverlayPackageDiff", 1, err)
		version, ok := pkgInfo["version"].(string)
		if !ok {
			err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected value when retrieving upstream version of '%s'", pkgName)
		remoteAdded[pkgName] = version

	added, upgraded, downgraded, removed = diff.DiffPackages(localAdded, remoteAdded)

Registry struct

A Registry instance exposes functions to interact with the configured

Docker registry


  • API (string)



HasUpdate checks if the image/tag from the registry has a different digest

it returns the new digest and a boolean indicating if an update is available

  • digest string

  • string
  • bool

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.HasUpdate", "Checking for updates ...")

	token, err := GetToken()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.HasUpdate", 0, err)
		return "", false

	manifest, err := r.GetManifest(token)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.HasUpdate", 1, err)
		return "", false

	if manifest.Digest == digest {
		PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.HasUpdate", "no update available")
		return "", false

	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.HasUpdate", "update available. Old digest", digest, "new digest", manifest.Digest)
	return manifest.Digest, true


GetManifest returns the manifest of the image, a token is required

to perform the request and is generated using GetToken()

  • token string

  • *Manifest
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.GetManifest", "running...")

	manifestAPIUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/manifests/%s", r.API, settings.Cnf.Name, settings.Cnf.Tag)
	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.GetManifest", "call URI is", manifestAPIUrl)

	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", manifestAPIUrl, nil)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "abroot")
	req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token))
	req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json")

	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 1, err)
		return nil, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 2, err)
		return nil, err

	m := make(map[string]interface{})
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 3, err)
		return nil, err

	// If the manifest contains an errors property, it means that the
	// request failed. Ref:
	if m["errors"] != nil {
		errors := m["errors"].([]interface{})
		for _, e := range errors {
			err := e.(map[string]interface{})
			PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 3.5, err)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Registry error: %s", err["code"])

	// digest is stored in the header
	digest := resp.Header.Get("Docker-Content-Digest")

	// we need to parse the layers to get the digests
	var layerDigests []string
	if m["layers"] == nil && m["fsLayers"] == nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Registry.GetManifest", 4, err)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Manifest does not contain layer property")
	} else if m["layers"] == nil && m["fsLayers"] != nil {
		PrintVerboseWarn("Registry.GetManifest", 4, "layers property not found, using fsLayers")
		layers := m["fsLayers"].([]interface{})
		for _, layer := range layers {
			layerDigests = append(layerDigests, layer.(map[string]interface{})["blobSum"].(string))
	} else {
		layers := m["layers"].([]interface{})
		var layerDigests []string
		for _, layer := range layers {
			layerDigests = append(layerDigests, layer.(map[string]interface{})["digest"].(string))

	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.GetManifest", "success")
	manifest := &Manifest{
		Manifest: body,
		Digest:   digest,
		Layers:   layerDigests,

	return manifest, nil

Manifest struct

Manifest is the struct used to parse the manifest response from the registry

it contains the manifest itself, the digest and the list of layers. This

should be compatible with most registries, but it's not guaranteed


  • Manifest ([]byte)
  • Digest (string)
  • Layers ([]string)

NewRegistry function

NewRegistry returns a new Registry instance, exposing functions to

interact with the configured Docker registry


  • *Registry
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewRegistry", "running...")
	return &Registry{
		API: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/%s", settings.Cnf.Registry, settings.Cnf.RegistryAPIVersion),

getRegistryAuthUrl function


  • string
  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf(

	resp, err := http.Get(requestUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	if resp.StatusCode == 401 {
		authUrl := resp.Header["www-authenticate"]
		if len(authUrl) == 0 {
			authUrl = resp.Header["Www-Authenticate"]
			if len(authUrl) == 0 {
				return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unable to find authentication url for registry")
		return strings.Split(strings.Split(authUrl[0], "realm=\"")[1], "\",")[0], strings.Split(strings.Split(authUrl[0], "service=\"")[1], "\"")[0], nil
	} else {
		PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.getRegistryAuthUrl", "registry does not require authentication")
		return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/", settings.Cnf.Registry), settings.Cnf.RegistryService, nil

GetToken function

GetToken generates a token using the provided tokenURL and returns it


  • string
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	authUrl, serviceUrl, err := getRegistryAuthUrl()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf(
	PrintVerboseInfo("Registry.GetToken", "call URI is", requestUrl)

	resp, err := http.Get(requestUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("token request failed with status code: %d", resp.StatusCode)

	tokenBytes, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// Parse token from response
	var tokenResponse struct {
		Token string `json:"token"`
	err = json.Unmarshal(tokenBytes, &tokenResponse)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	token := tokenResponse.Token
	return token, nil

rsyncCmd function

rsyncCmd executes the rsync command with the requested options.

If silent is true, rsync progress will not appear in stdout.


  • src string
  • dst string
  • opts []string
  • silent bool


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	args := []string{"-avxHAX"}
	args = append(args, opts...)
	args = append(args, src)
	args = append(args, dst)

	cmd := exec.Command("rsync", args...)
	stdout, _ := cmd.StdoutPipe()

	var totalFiles int

	if !silent {
		countCmdOut, _ := exec.Command(
			fmt.Sprintf("echo -n $(($(rsync --dry-run %s | wc -l) - 4))", strings.Join(args, " ")),
		totalFiles, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(countCmdOut))

	reader := bufio.NewReader(stdout)

	err := cmd.Start()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !silent {
		verbose := IsVerbose()

		p, _ := cmdr.ProgressBar.WithTotal(totalFiles).WithTitle("Sync in progress").WithMaxWidth(120).Start()
		maxLineLen := cmdr.TerminalWidth() / 4

		for i := 0; i < p.Total; i++ {
			line, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
			line = strings.TrimSpace(line)

			if verbose {
				cmdr.Info.Println(line + " synced")

			if len(line) > maxLineLen {
				startingLen := len(line) - maxLineLen + 1
				line = "<" + line[startingLen:]
			} else {
				padding := maxLineLen - len(line)
				line += strings.Repeat(" ", padding)

			p.UpdateTitle("Syncing " + line)
	} else {

	err = cmd.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		// exit status 24 is a warning, not an error, we don't care about it
		// since rsync is going to be removed in the OCI version
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "exit status 24") {
			return err

	return nil

rsyncDryRun function

rsyncDryRun executes the rsync command with the --dry-run option.


  • src string
  • dst string
  • excluded []string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	opts := []string{"--dry-run"}

	if len(excluded) > 0 {
		for _, exclude := range excluded {
			opts = append(opts, "--exclude="+exclude)

	return rsyncCmd(src, dst, opts, false)

AtomicRsync function

AtomicRsync executes the rsync command in an atomic-like manner.

It does so by dry-running the rsync, and if it succeeds, it runs

the rsync again performing changes.

If the keepUnwanted option

is set to true, it will omit the --delete option, so that the already

existing and unwanted files will not be deleted.

To ensure the changes are applied atomically, we rsync on a _new directory first,

and use atomicSwap to replace the _new with the dst directory.


  • src string
  • dst string
  • transitionalPath string
  • finalPath string
  • excluded []string
  • keepUnwanted bool


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicRsync", "Running...")
	if _, err := os.Stat(transitionalPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		err = os.Mkdir(transitionalPath, 0755)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("AtomicRsync", 0, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicRsync", "Starting dry run process...")
	err := rsyncDryRun(src, transitionalPath, excluded)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	opts := []string{"--link-dest", dst, "--exclude", finalPath, "--exclude", transitionalPath}

	if len(excluded) > 0 {
		for _, exclude := range excluded {
			opts = append(opts, "--exclude", exclude)

	if !keepUnwanted {
		opts = append(opts, "--delete")

	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicRsync", "Starting rsync process...")

	err = rsyncCmd(src, transitionalPath, opts, true)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicRsync", "Starting atomic swap process...")

	err = AtomicSwap(transitionalPath, finalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("AtomicRsync", "Removing transitional path...")

	return os.RemoveAll(transitionalPath)

Chroot struct

Chroot represents a chroot instance, which can be used to run commands

inside a chroot environment


  • root (string)
  • rootUuid (string)
  • rootDevice (string)
  • etcMounted (bool)



Close unmounts all the bind mounts and closes the chroot environment

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Close", "running...")

	err := syscall.Unmount(filepath.Join(c.root, "/dev/pts"), 0)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Chroot.Close", 0, err)
		return err

	mountList := ReservedMounts
	if c.etcMounted {
		mountList = append(mountList, "/etc")
	mountList = append(mountList, "")

	for _, mount := range mountList {
		if mount == "/dev/pts" {

		mountDir := filepath.Join(c.root, mount)
		PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Close", "unmounting", mountDir)
		err := syscall.Unmount(mountDir, 0)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("Chroot.Close", 1, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Close", "successfully closed.")
	return nil


Execute runs a command in the chroot environment, the command is

a string and the arguments are a list of strings. If an error occurs

it is returned.

  • cmd string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Execute", "running...")

	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Execute", "running command:", cmd)
	e := exec.Command("chroot", c.root, "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd)
	e.Stdout = os.Stdout
	e.Stderr = os.Stderr
	e.Stdin = os.Stdin
	err := e.Run()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("Chroot.Execute", 0, err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.Execute", "successfully ran.")
	return nil


ExecuteCmds runs a list of commands in the chroot environment,

stops at the first error

  • cmds []string

  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.ExecuteCmds", "running...")

	for _, cmd := range cmds {
		err := c.Execute(cmd)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("Chroot.ExecuteCmds", 0, err)
			return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("Chroot.ExecuteCmds", "successfully ran.")
	return nil

NewChroot function

NewChroot creates a new chroot environment from the given root path and

returns its Chroot instance or an error if something went wrong


  • root string
  • rootUuid string
  • rootDevice string
  • mountUserEtc bool
  • userEtcPath string


  • *Chroot
  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewChroot", "running...")

	root = strings.ReplaceAll(root, "//", "/")

	if _, err := os.Stat(root); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewChroot", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	chroot := &Chroot{
		root:       root,
		rootUuid:   rootUuid,
		rootDevice: rootDevice,
		etcMounted: mountUserEtc,

	// workaround for grub-mkconfig, not able to find the device
	// inside a chroot environment
	err := chroot.Execute("mount --bind / /")
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewChroot", 1, err)
		return nil, err

	for _, mount := range ReservedMounts {
		PrintVerboseInfo("NewChroot", "mounting", mount)
		err := syscall.Mount(mount, filepath.Join(root, mount), "", syscall.MS_BIND, "")
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("NewChroot", 2, err)
			return nil, err

	if mountUserEtc {
		err = syscall.Mount("overlay", filepath.Join(root, "etc"), "overlay", syscall.MS_RDONLY, "lowerdir="+userEtcPath+":"+filepath.Join(root, "/etc"))
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("NewChroot", 3, "failed to mount user etc:", err)
			return nil, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("NewChroot", "successfully created.")
	return chroot, nil

Grub struct

Grub represents a grub instance, it exposes methods to generate a new grub

config compatible with ABRoot, and to check if the system is booted into

the present root or the future root


  • PresentRoot (string)
  • FutureRoot (string)



  • bool
  • error

Show/Hide Method Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("Grub.IsBootedIntoPresentRoot", "running...")

	a := NewABRootManager()
	future, err := a.GetFuture()
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if g.FutureRoot == "a" {
		PrintVerboseInfo("Grub.IsBootedIntoPresentRoot", "done")
		return future.Label == settings.Cnf.PartLabelA, nil
	} else {
		PrintVerboseInfo("Grub.IsBootedIntoPresentRoot", "done")
		return future.Label == settings.Cnf.PartLabelB, nil

generateABGrubConf function

generateABGrubConf generates a new grub config with the given details


  • kernelVersion string
  • rootPath string
  • rootUuid string
  • rootLabel string
  • generatedGrubConfigPath string


  • error
Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("generateABGrubConf", "generating grub config for ABRoot")

	kargs, err := KargsRead()
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 0, err)
		return err

	var grubPath, bootPrefix, systemRoot string
	if settings.Cnf.ThinProvisioning {
		grubPath = filepath.Join(rootPath, "boot", "init", rootLabel)
		bootPrefix = "/" + rootLabel

		diskM := NewDiskManager()
		sysRootPart, err := diskM.GetPartitionByLabel(rootLabel)
		if err != nil {
			PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 3, err)
			return err
		systemRoot = "/dev/mapper/" + sysRootPart.Device
	} else {
		grubPath = filepath.Join(rootPath, "boot", "grub")
		bootPrefix = "/.system/boot"
		systemRoot = "UUID=" + rootUuid

	confPath := filepath.Join(grubPath, "abroot.cfg")
	template := `  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root %s
  linux   %s/vmlinuz-%s root=%s %s
  initrd  %s/initrd.img-%s

	err = os.MkdirAll(grubPath, 0755)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 2, err)
		return err

	abrootBootConfig := fmt.Sprintf(template, rootUuid, bootPrefix, kernelVersion, systemRoot, kargs, bootPrefix, kernelVersion)

	generatedGrubConfigContents, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, generatedGrubConfigPath))
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 3, "could not read grub config", err)
		return err

	generatedGrubConfig := string(generatedGrubConfigContents)

	replacementString := "REPLACED_BY_ABROOT"
	if !strings.Contains(generatedGrubConfig, replacementString) {
		err := errors.New("could not find replacement string \"" + replacementString + "\", check /etc/grub.d configuration")
		PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 3.1, err)
		return err
	grubConfigWithBootEntry := strings.Replace(generatedGrubConfig, "REPLACED_BY_ABROOT", abrootBootConfig, 1)

	err = os.WriteFile(confPath, []byte(grubConfigWithBootEntry), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("generateABGrubConf", 4, "could not read grub config", err)
		return err

	PrintVerboseInfo("generateABGrubConf", "done")
	return nil

NewGrub function

NewGrub creates a new Grub instance


  • bootPart Partition


  • *Grub
  • error


Show/Hide Function Body
	PrintVerboseInfo("NewGrub", "running...")

	grubPath := filepath.Join(bootPart.MountPoint, "grub")
	confPath := filepath.Join(grubPath, "grub.cfg")

	cfg, err := os.ReadFile(confPath)
	if err != nil {
		PrintVerboseErr("NewGrub", 0, err)
		return nil, err

	var presentRoot, futureRoot string

	for _, entry := range strings.Split(string(cfg), "\n") {
		if strings.Contains(entry, "abroot-a") {
			if strings.Contains(entry, "Current State") {
				presentRoot = "a"
			} else if strings.Contains(entry, "Previous State") {
				futureRoot = "a"
		} else if strings.Contains(entry, "abroot-b") {
			if strings.Contains(entry, "Current State") {
				presentRoot = "b"
			} else if strings.Contains(entry, "Previous State") {
				futureRoot = "b"

	if presentRoot == "" || futureRoot == "" {
		err := errors.New("could not find root partitions")
		PrintVerboseErr("NewGrub", 1, err)
		return nil, err

	PrintVerboseInfo("NewGrub", "done")
	return &Grub{
		PresentRoot: presentRoot,
		FutureRoot:  futureRoot,
	}, nil

bytes import

Import example:

import "bytes"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

encoding/json import

Import example:

import "encoding/json"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings"

syscall import

Import example:

import "syscall"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

log import

Import example:

import "log"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

time import

Import example:

import "time" import

Import example:

import ""

encoding/json import

Import example:

import "encoding/json"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

io import

Import example:

import "io"

net/http import

Import example:

import "net/http"

net/url import

Import example:

import "net/url"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings"

time import

Import example:

import "time" import

Import example:

import ""

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

io import

Import example:

import "io"

io/fs import

Import example:

import "io/fs"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

syscall import

Import example:

import "syscall"

os import

Import example:

import "os" import

Import example:

import ""

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec" import

Import example:

import ""

encoding/json import

Import example:

import "encoding/json"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

time import

Import example:

import "time"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors" import

Import example:

import ""

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

strconv import

Import example:

import "strconv"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

Imported as:

EtcBuilder import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

net import

Import example:

import "net"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

runtime import

Import example:

import "runtime"

time import

Import example:

import "time"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath" import

Import example:

import ""

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings"

context import

Import example:

import "context"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings"

syscall import

Import example:

import "syscall"

time import

Import example:

import "time" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

Imported as:

cstypes import

Import example:

import ""

Imported as:

humanize import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

encoding/json import

Import example:

import "encoding/json"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

io import

Import example:

import "io"

net/http import

Import example:

import "net/http"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import "" import

Import example:

import ""

encoding/json import

Import example:

import "encoding/json"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

io import

Import example:

import "io"

net/http import

Import example:

import "net/http"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import ""

bufio import

Import example:

import "bufio"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

strconv import

Import example:

import "strconv"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import ""

os import

Import example:

import "os"

os/exec import

Import example:

import "os/exec"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings"

syscall import

Import example:

import "syscall"

errors import

Import example:

import "errors"

fmt import

Import example:

import "fmt"

os import

Import example:

import "os"

path/filepath import

Import example:

import "path/filepath"

strings import

Import example:

import "strings" import

Import example:

import ""